

The Women’s Ministry exists to meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of all women of Grace Bible Chapel. It also exists to disciple women and help to train and equip. We strive to encourage all women to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ, to develop genuine and strong relationships with other women, within marriages and within the church family, and to serve and reach our families and communities for Jesus Christ.

We would like to express our gratitude to the many women of our congregation who volunteer their time by serving to make this ministry a success. If you would like to get involved in service or leadership for any of our ministries or activities, please contact any member of the Women’s Ministries Committee: Christy Rohrer, Jane Ladley, Vanessa Von Steuben, Tiffany Bell, Rosemary Morgan, Cathy Travis, and Christy Lambert.

Email us at womensministry@gracebiblechapel.org to share comments, sign up for email announcements, or if you would like more information on any of these ministries.

Join our GBC Women's Ministry Facebook page to keep in touch with what is going on.

Grace Bible Chapel
1949 Joseph Biggs Memorial Hwy
Rising Sun, MD 21911

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